Does Hospital Leadership need to view their interview process through the Candidate Lens?
BlogFinding and retaining talent has been a bit challenging for hospitals today. We hear so much about the “Great Resignation” and healthcare employees leaving their jobs in the news, but the real question we all have is how this will affect hospitals long term?
As recruiters, we see the challenges that hospitals are encountering when it comes to attracting candidates. We also see hospitals and healthcare systems across the country are conducting business ‘as usual.’ For example, interviews are being conducted in the same manner as before (slow and tedious) and salaries have not increased to keep up with the candidate demand. Organizations need to review both the interview process and compensation packages to remain competitive.
Over the last few months, we have seen candidates received multiple offers as well as counteroffers from their current organization. We even had a candidate start a new position, and within two weeks, their former company came back to them with a compensation offer that was too high for the candidate to refuse. Saying the offer was competitive is an understatement in these unprecedented times.
We recommend that you look at their process through the candidate lens. Confirm that your position is thoroughly outlined and that your interview team is selling your facility throughout the interview process. We believe an organization’s greatest asset is its people, so why not utilize them? We also recommend that if you find someone that you feel is right for your position and your culture, act on it fast! The days of letting a candidate sit for a week or two to see if someone better comes along just may leave you without the talent you really need and want.
If you have confidence in your recruiter, trust them to tell you what you need to know about the market and each candidate’s circumstances.
A good recruiter wants you to hire the best person for you and your organization, not just to fill the position.
A good recruiter wants your business long term.
#THIcareers #MRInetwork #GreatResignation #Retention
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The HealthCare Initiative has been leading the way in health care recruitment since 1974.